Just ‘fell’ 1 block down, background never changed, and I get a trusted fall? Lame. Numerous times I fall onto a spider and die, I don’t like games that give you the rules, then break them. Only 1 thing I wish they’d do: make the reward text ( the ones you get for quickly getting 3 or more of an item) smaller! Frustrating to die from an enemy behind the words! Maybe tnt with a way to detonate from a safe distance, or a backpack to hold 2 items. I am hoping the developer adds new items to game in the future. 99 cents is a very fair price to pay for a game that has legs! I play this 20 or more times every day. The latest update fixed my brothers older iPad’s crash on opening app. Latest update solves the crash on 9.3 iOS

But yeah I would buy it over and over again if I had too. Read the app “History Updates” and the developer explains why he made that choice.

Some people are having a misunderstanding about the $0.99 upgrade. More power-ups such as, a bomb/C4 you can drop and explode (Press the button again to activate the explosion), double money value, and more. Have a store to buy just skin characters but not upgrading shovels because it could possibly ruin the game. I probably haven’t gotten down enough into the mines but if there isn’t, add new areas where the block materials are different and engaging. (This happened to me once maybe it’s a bug but it killed me instantly) The Ghost Mummy shouldn’t spawn above the player. I have some suggestions you may want to add the game but totally your choice! Keep up the good work and I support you 100%.

This game is so addicting, I play this game every opportunity I have. The mechanics are very interesting such as how the blocks fall, how to kill enemies, etc. This game is straight up good and the developer is still active. This is the type of games I love! I would totally buy it even if it costs $10. Plus your friends are playing it and you don't want to be left out, do you? Or maybe no one is playing it, in which case you'll be the one who introduces all your friends to "Doug dug." Then everyone will say, "Hey look there goes *your name here* who introduced us to 'Doug dug' and who is therefore cooler than the rest of us because he/she discovered it first." One of those two great options is bound to happen. Ah, don't worry it's just a game.ĭo you like Spelunky? Dig Dug? Well c'mon you like Minecraft don't you? Well then you'll like this. No they're really colossal-you won't believe it. Go farther and deeper than any of your friends. Help Doug dig deep down under the earth in the quest for shimmering jewels and precious gold. And he fought monsters and avoided massive avalanches of falling rock. Anyway, one day Doug decided to gather as much treasure from as deep under the earth as he could go. Well, actually he doesn't: what he likes is to find buried treasure.