Detailed log for Net Drive activation exceptions.Failed Net Drive connection attempts are now retried.Removed option for renaming wireless networks in WiFi Management.Eliminated TrayInfo delay caused by optional public IP retrieval.Fix: Problems with ampersand character in profile names.Fix: WiFi "Incompatible settings" and "RPCRT4" errors resolved.Fix: Properly closing all sub-windows if "Show Desktop" is used.Fix: Hosts/SMTP activation problems with hidden hosts file.Fix: Net Drives not showing up in explorer in certain cases.Fix: Large fonts issues in Advanced, Preferences & Compact Mode.Fix: Saving Route Table settings and checkboxes in Advanced dialog.NEW: NetSetMan Touch app for Windows 8 released! Fix: Problem with "Get Current Settings" in v3.6.0.UI adjustments for Hosts dialog- Some performance improvements for the main user interface- Minor adjustments.100MB) are now excluded for FF proxy, hosts and SMTP